Container consolidation save cost and secure your goods to final destination in the most economic way.
Shipments with small volume from different Suppliers which each one of them are from different location in China
Unreasonable charges have been added in each of your LCL Shipment ( less container load) from the early point of them, until it reach to your warehouse:
The 1st step of container consolidation
Arrange and pick up the goods from your suppliers as many as they might be, cross check Quality / QTY according to your instructions, providing safe and secure facilities during the time of gathering the remaining cargos.
2nd step of container consolidation
after all the assigned cargo is collected and shipping container (a 20GP or 40GP etc., depending of the volume of your cargo) is booked, the trained employees will load/ fill up your container with all your cargo carefully
3rd step of container consolidation
will proceed and handle smoothly the procedure of customs and exporting your cargo
This is an example of three LCL shipments from different suppliers.
And this is an example from the charges after our service.
We always work towards giving your shipment the best personal attention and adequate time necessary to pack it for export, after completing the documentation and making all essential arrangements for your international move.